Overview | Job Seekers
Funded by:
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
Need a Career Plan? Find the job that’s right for you!
Book a free appointment with one of our Employment Specialists, or visit one of our sites to use the job search resources. We support job seekers across all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience.
Call us at: 905-333-3499 or 1-888-315-5521 or e-mail employmentservices@centreforskills.ca today!
Each site offers free access to:
- Computers with internet for job searching
- Career planning and assessments
- Resume & interview assistance
- Fax machine, printers, photocopiers and scanners
- Knowledgeable staff ready to provide assistance or answer any questions you have
- Job board with information on employers in the local area who are hiring and upcoming job fairs
- Workshops and special events
- Telephones to make local and long distance calls
- Business directories, including Scott’s Directory
- Job search tip sheets and resources
Career Change
We offer career planning assistance that can help you define your goals, and explore career paths right for your individual values, circumstances and interests.
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Job Board
View current career opportunities from different employers throughout the local region.
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Better Jobs Ontario Program
If you are unemployed, underemployed or are part of a low-income household and if you need to develop skills for a new in-demand career but require education and financial support, Better Jobs Ontario Program may be for you!
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Workshops and Events
Check out our upcoming selection of free workshops and events that can help you with your job search and career development.
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